Thecentral library of North Kamrup College was established in the year
1979on 17th August along with the college and since then has remained as anintegral part
ofall accomplishments of academic excellence and endeavorof the college. As the library is
thesoul of an academic institution, so the college authority gives much emphasison the
developmentof the library to nurturing our students. The college library building measures
80feet by 30 feet (lengthand breadth). The library is governed by certain rules and
instructionswhich are notified in the library notice board from time to time.
Each prospective member shall give inwriting an undertaking to abide by the rules of
the library. The membership is open tothe bonafide students and staff of the college. A
student member will have to pay a cashsecurity of Rs. 100 /- as caution money which is
The details of memberships are:
Category of Members Number of Cardsissued
H.S. classes 02 Nos.
TDC (Honours) classes 04 Nos.
TDC (General) classes 02 Nos.
Teacher (Regular) 10 Nos.
Teacher (Contractual) 02 Nos.
Office staff including library 02 Nos.
Principal and Librarian 10 Nos.
[N.B.: The duration of membership shall be for one academic semester/year andshall have
to be renewed every semester/year.
Library Building Consists of
Ø A Stack Room
Ø Librarian’s Roomcum Book Processing Section.
Ø CirculationSection.
Ø Reference Section.
Ø Students’ ReadingRoom
Ø Teacher’ ReadingRoom
Thelibrary of the college has a collection of 21,600 books of differentdisciplines. The library also consists of Newspapers, Journals, Magazines,Encyclopaedia of North East, Asomiya Biswakosh various Dictionaries, Women’sEncyclopaedia and Guidebooks for Research work and competitive exams. It hasseparate reading rooms for students and teachers. The college library providesfacility of Book Bank to the poor students in their studies.
Library Holdings
Categories Volumes
Books 14,300 Nos.
N-LIST Online books and Journals
Newspapers 05 Nos.
Journal / Magazines 03 Nos.
Significant Collections
Ø EncyclopediasBritannica.
Ø Various Dictionaries
Ø General studentsfor civil Service / competitive exams.
Ø Guide books forentry in services.
Ø Guide books for NET/ SLET exams.
Ø Encyclopedia of NorthEast India.
Ø Encyclopedia ofGuidance and Counseling.
Ø Women’s
Ø Books on Triballife in India.
Ø Books on Gandhi
Ø Books on Folklore
Ø Complete works ofL. N. Bezbarua
Ø Complete works ofJyoti Prasad Agaurwal
Complete works of MaheswarNeog
Ø Complete works ofBhupen Hazarika
Ø Books on
Ø Books of R. N.Tagore
Ø Books of M.R.Goswami
Ø Books of Journalism/ Sports /Research Methodology.
Ø Special collectionon English literature
Ø Previous year’Question papers.
Book Bank
The college library has the facility ofBook Bank to encourage the meritorious and
poor students in their studies.Preference will be given to those students belonging to ST,
SC, OBC and physically challengedcategory.
Privileges Under Book Bank
Ø No need to paylibrary caution money.
the internal of three months.
Ø Maximum 04 (four)books are issued at a time
Other provisions of original libraryrules are equally applicable to such Book Bank reader
Best Reader Award: The College hasintroduced a Best Reader Award