  • Address Baghmara, Bajali, Assam
  • Email northkamrupcollege1@gmail.com

Alumni Association

     This is for the general information of the Alumni of the college that the InternalQuality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college has developed Google forms for Alumniregistration and Alumni Feedback of the college. It is an effort to bring all the Alumni of thecollege under one umbrella. The registration and the feedback links can be accessed any time,from any place through smart phone, desktop, laptop, tablets and iPads having internetconnection.

     Therefore, we, on behalf of the college earnestly request all the respected Alumni toregister and extend the feedback as per the links provided. The kind cooperation of respectedAlumni is highly solicited.

Here is the link to the online registration form.
Here is the link to the online feedback form.
Alumni Contribution      Alumni Association Certificate